Sunday, March 19, 2006

Dance is filled with a variety of personalities!

When we were at the SYTYCD auditions, there was this guy behind us in line who came to audition. He'd never taken a dance class in his life. Yet, this guy stood nervously in line with dancers who had been training since the age of three and whose parents had stood by them all the way, pushing them to be better and better dancers. This guys parents didn't like the fact that he wasted his time on dancing, and he was auditioning without their knowledge. When the time came to audition, I hear he was amazing (heard from a good source that is a very hard critic). He made the first cut! A great accomplishment for someone who never took a dance class. He didn't make the second cut, but neither did many experienced dancers. It amazes me that he chose to jump into one of the most competitive auditions for his first try. I do hope he enters his first dance class and doesn't give up on his dreams. I'll probably never know what happened to him, but I hope I'll find out that he continued.

I met another guy while I was waiting. He was the oldest guy there and had loads of experience. Dance just dripped off of this guy. I didn't see him dance, but I could tell he was good .... you know .... the stance, slightly turned out when casually walking, super posture, body lifted and tall, bright and enthusiastic attitude, confident. I didn't find out if this guy made it, so I can't wait to see the show so I can find out. He said it was his last chance before the age requirement would prevent him from entering. I thought that was great! Go for it until you can't go for it anymore!

Then there was this other guy who I know to have national and world titles. What a sad case .... very self-important and feeling special about himself. Is he really that good? Yes, I have to say he is very good, but it kills me to say it! I don't like to see people succeed and then smush it in everyone elses faces. It's one thing to be proud of your success, but really .... winning should not give one license to be pompous.

Everyone there had one thing it common. They were all out to take a chance. They were living! They weren't waiting until they were perfect dancers, they weren't sitting on the couch waiting for life to lift them up, they were taking charge of what might be.... inspiring! So if you were at that audition, whether you made it or not, congratulations for trying, for dreaming, for wishing. Don't give up! Keep on trying until something better comes along!

1 comment:

Rain said...

Hi there! What an interesting topic for your blog. Good luck with the auditions.