Thursday, April 20, 2006

Take the Lead Movie Review

I loved it, but there was little traditional dancing in the movie. It reminded me of Dangerous Minds with Michelle Pfeiffer. Skilled civilian goes into ghetto school, teaches kids skills, saves the day and everyone lives happily ever after. However, Take the Lead is based on a true story.

It is a truely inspiring movie and I loved every minute of it! I thought that Antonio Banderas was amazing and danced very well. He is, afterall, a passionate latin man! I surprisingly loved the dancing too! It was a movie "about" dancing and what dancing can do for a person. The mix of hip hop and ballroom was great!

I travel to New York City often and when watching this movie, I felt as if I was actually in the city. Very good for atmosphere.

If you hate hip hop, less fortunate people and/or any type of dancing that strays from traditional ballroom, you may not like this movie. However, if you have an open mind and love dance, you'll have a great time. Go and see this movie!

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