Monday, May 08, 2006

Ballroom Bootcamp? Is it returning?

Ballroom Bootcamp on TLC Discovery -

Does anyone know if Ballroom Bootcamp is returning. I had a lot of fun with that show too! Check it out.

....Top ballroom dance professionals Susannah Cuesta, Gocha Chertkoev and Christian Perry will attempt to give the participants the physical, mental and social tools necessary for success, and stop at nothing to transform the participants from ordinary to extraordinary.

The Ballroom Bootcamp participants will learn one of five dance styles — the cha cha, waltz, tango, jive or rhumba — and then face off against one another in an authentic, professionally adjudicated competition.

It's the ultimate fish-out-of-water story. Think plumbers, couch potatoes, football players, moms and more unusual suspects. It's a chance to test regular people in a way they've NEVER been tested before....

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